short case

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

A 53 yr old male patient came to casualty with a cheif complaint of :

Fever,abdominalpain , abdominal discomfort, bloating ,constipation and no passage of stools since 4 days.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back then he developed high grade fever which is intermittent associated with chills and rigors, headache and constipation.
Patient also complaints of abdominal pain (dull aching insicidous onset) and bloating since 4 days .
Had single episode of vomiting on 19th Jan 8pm( approximately).
C/o loss of appetite,pedal edema(pitting,bilateral , extending till knees)and facial puffiness 
H/o burning micturation since 4 days ,shortness of breath 

The symptoms are relieved by medication and fluid intake and no apparent aggravating factors.

Past history:

Patient has Diabetes mellitus 2 since 10yrs and is on  metformin(500mg) plus glimipiride(100mg).

Patient had CAD and had PTCA done 4 years back.

Not a k/c/o Hypertension, Asthma, epilepsy, CKD,TB

Past history of medication:
Used blood thinning agents for the case of PTCA and discontinued abruptly on his own.

Personal history:

Appetite:loss of appetite
Bowel &bladder movements: decreased (since 4 days)

Family history:

No history of similar complaints in the family.

No known history of drug allergy

Daily alcoholic since 20 years
Used to smoke 2 packs of cigarette daily before 4 years( for 25 yrs)
Stopped smoking 4 yrs back

General examination:

Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative and well oriented to time, place 

Moderately built and moderately nourished.

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy.

Pedal edema (bilateral,pitting type)


Temp- 101°F
PR- 92BPM.
Spo2 - 97%

Systemic examination:

Shape distended
Umbilicus: central &inverted 
no scars and sinuses over the skin 
No engorged veins 
Movements are normal
No visible pulsations 
Cullen's sign-negative
Gray turner's sign-negative


no  local raise of temperature 
no tenderness
Kidney liver spleen not palpable
no palpable mass 


No fluid thrill
No Shifting dullness seen


bowel sounds heard
No bruit



Chest: symmetrical
Trachea: central
No drooping of shoulders,
no supraclavicular hollowing
 no use of accessory respiratory muscles
Movement with respiration is symmetrical on both sides


trachea: central
no intercoastal widening 
Whole thorax measurement:34 inches
Hemi Thorax:17 inches 
Vocal fremitus -normal 


Dullness noted from 5th intercoastal space 


vesicular breath sounds
No added sounds


S1&S2 heard
No thrills,no murmurs


Gait: normal 
No signs of neck stiffness
Sensory system :normal
Motor system: normal



Viral pyrexia , thrombocytopenia ,
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 


Inj pan 40mg IV /OD
Inj optineuron 1 amp M100ml NS IV/OD
Inj Thiamine 200 mg M 100ml NS IV/BD
Inj lasix 40mg IV / BD
Tab dolo 650mg 
Grbs profile monitoring
Fluid restriction to <1 lit per day 
Monitoring vitals

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